Your one stop for all researching, fact checking, and academic, technical, & creative editing needs.
"By explaining to students the concept of discourse communities, and helping them determine which communities they exist within—and which genre of composition those communities privilege—I aim to help foster transfer within my composition students across the multiple mediums and communities they compose in."
"I love writing centers, writing center spaces, and talking about tutor training best practices.
I greatly enjoyed getting the chance to discuss writing center best practices with my peers during the class, and I learned much from those visitors who were invited to discuss their specialized areas with the class."
"I am glad we had a reading journal as one of my big weaknesses in scholarship is reading material: 1. with an inquisitive eye that questions what I read and 2. subjectively stating arguments without coloring them with my personal opinion. As such, having a space where I can develop a framework to analyze these texts... is valuable."

Vol 37/No1/2018
"Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Working-Class Students in Writing Centers"~Denny, Nordlof, and Salem
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UP Colorado / 2019