My name is Keelan Hawkins, I'm a first year Rhetoric and Composition PhD student hat FSU. I have a Masters of Fine Arts in poetry from Bowling Green State University, a Masters in English with a concentration in Rhetoric and Composition from Appalachian State University, a Bachelor of Arts in English from MTSU, and a Bachelor of Sciences in Psychology from MTSU. I got into the field of rhetoric and composition because one of my brother's graduate Composition teachers swung by a coffee shop we were at and talked to us both about the class and the field of composition as a whole. I took a summer class out of curiosity (Theories in Composition) and I was hooked. The class kicked my butt, of course, but I worried about the class because I was already so invested in the ideas being discussed.
Now I'm entering my fifth year of teaching collegiate composition (and my fourth year of being a Writing Center tutor) and that desire to learn more about the field and serve students to the best of my ability hasn't diminished. I aim to dedicate my time to learning more about rhetorical pedagogical models, writing center scholarship, genre and design thinking theories, and how any/all of these can influence our teaching and tutoring of students in meaningful and sustainable ways.